Led lights
Goal: LED lightning in Kitchen area, Kitchen drawers and Garden.
How: Using (warm white) LED strips.
- Get RGB LED strips and add PC control through DMX or another protocol/method.
- UPDATE: I have an RGB LED strip with RGB Infrared controller: I don’t see why I would want colored LED strips in my house!
- Next step: replace all light bulbs with (warm) LED lights
- Powersupply: 15 euro
- Dimmer (manual): 12 euro
- Warm white LED strip: 19 euro / meter
Find out
- what is required to control & dim LED strips
- DMX. I was advised not to use dimmable LED drivers. Don’t think I need the ability to DIM LED strips remotely. So control is good enough (can use Klik-aan-klik-uit modules for that).
- how it can be integrated into my X10/HomeSeer system.
- Using KAKU, X10, Zigbee, etc. modules
- ORDERED: Power-supply, dimmer, KAKU module, warm white LED strip
- MOUNTED: in my kitchen
- RESULT: very nice (will add some pictures taken with my phone)
- More info:
- Spaarlampenhuis.nl
- Verlichtingsklanners.nl
- LED strips Led-Line.nl
- LED strips Mood ledlight (which is where I ordered my equipment)
Dear DJ,
Im looking to make a remotely dim-able LED strip using a KAKU dimmer.
I think it really looks the same as your situation. Can you please explain how you connected the warm white led strip and which parts (model numbers) you used???
With many thanks