DNS server on my NAS
For quite some time I wanted to run a local DNS server so I don’t have to remember IP addresses. Yes, there’s many, it’s not my memory.
In the huge amount of instructions I was unable to find exactly what I needed. Therefore I will post my configuration that might be helpful for you.
NOTE: The Synology DNS server does not automatically Dynamic A Records at the moment.
Result: devices using DHCP will not automatically appear in the DNS server. An iPad called “myipad” with domain “myhome.net” that gets an IP address via DHCP will not be reachable via “myipad.myhome.net”.
The DNS server cannot automatically ‘create’ an A-record with the device name and IP address. thread
Network: (
I don’t have an official domain for my local network but decided to use “myhome.net”
Best practice: probably use a “.local” domain as this will never be resolved on the internet, will not cause a conflict etc.
Master Zone: Forward
Zone settings
Zone ID: myhome.net
Domain name: myhome.net
Status: Enable
Serial format: Integer
Enable Zone Transfer Rule: unchecked
Limit Source IP service: unchecked
You add your local subnet here (for example: –
SOA record Hostname: ns.myhome.net
RESOURCE RECORDS myhome.net NS ns.myhome.net ns.myhome.net A somedevice.myhome.net A
Master Zone: Reverse
Zone settings
Zone ID: 1.1.10.in-addr.arpa.
Domain name: 1.1.10.in-addr.arpa.
Status: Enable
Serial format: Integer
Enable Zone Transfer Rule: unchecked
Limit Source IP service: unchecked
You add your local subnet here (for example: –
SOA record Hostname: ns.1.1.10.in-addr.arpa
Resource records reverse
1.1.10.in-addr.arpa. NS ns.myhome.net PTR ns.myhome.net A somedevice.myhome.net