
Plugwise — 7 Comments

  1. Hi,

    Version 1.0 doesn’t have installation readme.txt file in zip file. How to install IT to homeseer?



  2. Check out the DJ_HS_Plugwise_Readme_0.10.pdf file. That contains the instructions, for both fresh installs and upgrades. Let me know if you have issues installing.

  3. HI, i have a big probleme with your last version:
    I can control my plugwise module but the plugwis informations are not appearing in homeseer (kwh, images…)
    Can you help me and thanx for your work§§§

  4. Did you copy all files to the correct folder on the system where plugwise is running? (and *is* plugwise running?)
    Could you set the ‘strDebug’ variable in the script to 1 and report what your homeseer log file shows?

  5. Hi DJ,

    Is it possible to get the decimal values on the powerusage? So 8,6 instead of 9