Ordering & Pricing
NOTE: also check out this post: “how to start as cheap as possible“.
How much does it cost? What do I need? Here’s some pointers. A basic setup that allows you to control lights (X10) and receive X10 & Temperature/Humidity (Oregon) you need:
- PC with Windows € 250 (Asus EEE PC?)
- RFXCOM LAN 2-port with transmitter € 210
- RFXCOM HomeSeer plugin € 30 (donated to charity!)
- HomeSeer $ 199
Adding receiver:
- RFXCOM Receiver module € 58
Adding Visonic security sensor receiver:
- RFXCOM Visonic Receiver module € 59

This is the application that links the different technologies and provides an interface to show, control and monitor everything.
PRICE: $199 – more info
(update 2023: never buy Homeseer but get an Athom Homey or install Home Assistant)
(don’t buy HS2 in Europe because it costs €199 instead of $199)
This device links all wireless devices to your home control application (like HomeSeer). There are many configurations so I will list only a couple. There’s a few choices you have to make:

- Connectivity
- Extensions
- USB = 1-port: 2 receivers OR 1 transmitter
- LAN/WLAN = 2-port: 2 receivers AND 1 transmitter
- Transmitter Protocols (list)
- Receiver Protocols (list)
- 433Mhz Europe: X10/KlikAanKlikUit/Oregon
- 310Mhz US: X10
- 868Mhz Visonic Europe
- 433Mhz Visonic US
- PRICE RFXCOM LAN with 433Mhz X10 transmitter: € 210
- add Visonic receiver: € 58
- add X10/KlikAanKlikUit/etc receiver: € 58
Go to RFXCOM website for more details.
You have the core components, next:
Now you have a (low-power) PC with Homeseer and an RFXCOM device you can start thinking about the next steps.
- Adding Temperature & Weather sensors from Oregon Scientific
- Adding lamp & device switches (like Click-on-Click-off, X10, or any of these protocols)
- Adding Touch screen support (Homeseer Touch) (approx. $ 200 without touchscreen)
- Adding Infrared support (approx. € 200)
- Adding power, gas, water monitoring (using RFXMeter)
- Adding Z-Wave technology
….. under construction …..

For monitoring & control you can buy sensors. Check out the Components link to see some of the sensors and switches. Approx. prices:
- Oregon THN122 (temp,no-display): € 14
- Oregon THGR122 (temp,hum,no-display): € 22
- Oregon THGR228 (temp,hum,display): € 30
- Visonic MCT-302 (doorsensor, 2nd port): € 39
- Visonic MCT-425 (smokesensor): € 65
- Visonic MCT-100 (general sensor, 2nd port): € 50
- Visonic MCT-550 (watersensor): € 55
Where to order?
Some places I have ordered before, and would do so again:
- RFXCOM (Worldwide)
- I removed other shops because they did not exist. Search the internet to find shops near you
X10 connectivity
The protocol/technology is dead. Update (thank you Koen!): Why? Wireless technologies like Z-Wave, Zigbee and others are the future. Easy to deploy, cheap, reliable and fast. I do use X10 in some locations where I have no wireless coverage.
However, if for some reason you have to use X10, try to work with the Xanura modules. In 2009 the Xanura product line was bought by Marmitek. Xanura continues to focus on wireless technologies (like Z-Wave) www.draadloosschakelen.nl Xanura provided the only reliable connection between HomeSeer and the 220v/110v network for X10 devices. Here’s some of the options:
- Xanura CTX-35: € 160
- It’s more than double the price of a Marmitek CM11a, but that box will break at least twice. So if you’re serious about home automation, don’t mess around with the CM11a. I don’t know about the new CM15.
- Marmitek CM11a: €70 or the CM15 €75
I was surprised to read that you mention the X10 protocol is dead. What do you base this on? And what would be its replacement?
Well, I guess I should have been more clear when saying that the “X10 protocol is dead”. What I mean is that there’s no future for X10 as everything is going wireless and X10 has not been the most reliable and fast protocol.
Replacement: Wireless. Zigbee or Z-wave.
I still use X10 in places where wireless protocols have coverage issues (too far away).