Control your Philips TV with Homeseer?
With the 2010 and later Philips TV models you can control the TV’s via the network interface (Wifi or wired). This works through the open source Joint Space interface. (see press-release)
So I created some code and a Homeseer script to control your TV through Homeseer.
Guess what. Homeseer uses an Internet Explorer Engine for the hs.GetURL command, which does not support JSON(.stringify). Therefore it doesn’t work ;-)
So IF you know how to get this code (in the .ASP) working with Internet Explorer, please let me know!
You can however use the URL of the ASP script to send commands to your TV.
Click here for more info and the code.
I may have misunderstood but could you include the json2 external .js library on the asp page, which will allow the stringify command in IE?
I have added the file/link in the table on the Script Page. (not post).
im hadthe same issue with controlling Philips HUE lights, I used another http Post function (non homeseer) in a homeseer vb and this worked out of the box. Please keep me posted on your philips TV script, i would like to implment this as well. see attached example;
sub Main (ByVal Params As Object)
dim tosend
dim data
dim httpres ‘http response
dim objHTTP
tosend = “{“”bri””:254,””xy””:[0.63531,0.34127],””on””:true}”
‘ Start the HTTP communication
objHTTP = CreateObject (“WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1” )
objHTTP.Open(“PUT”, “http://IP/api/KEY/lights/1/state” , False)
data = objHTTP.ResponseText
‘ Check if all communication went well
httpres = objHTTP.Status
If httpres 200 Then
Hs.writelog(“hueset” , “Datastream upload for device returns error ” & httpres)
End if
‘ And close down
objHTTP = Nothing
hs.WriteLog(“gethue send”, tosend)
hs.WriteLog(“gethue response”, data)
end sub